Corporate Governance
TSKB views corporate governance and full compliance with the law as an important cornerstone in the responsible conduct of banking activities.
The Bank complies with the transparency, accountability and risk management approaches required by corporate governance in all of its activities. TSKB's high corporate governance rating stands as the most important indicator of this. Since its inclusion in the BIST Corporate Governance Index, the Bank has commanded one of the highest corporate governance ratings of any institution.
TSKB ensures that the board of directors consists of members with the necessary knowledge, skills and industry expertise to fulfill their responsibilities as required and in line with the local regulations in force.
Board of Directors Diversity Policy
A. Purposes and Scope
This policy, defines principles, guidelines and objectives related to ensuring diversity at Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. (TSKB) Board of Directors.
B. Definitions
Diversity at the Board of Directors; are ensured trough members’ diversified knowledge, experience, competences and qualifications.
C. Principles and Guidelines
1- Composition of the Board of Directors at TSKB is structured according to to the Bank’s needs, taking diversity principles into account.
2- In the selection of Board Members, diversity is sought in terms of knowledge, experience and competence; a balanced distribution between female and male members is aimed.
3- Within 3 years, the Bank targets to achieve a female member ratio of 27 percent or higher, with at least 3 female members in the Board of Directors, which consists of 11 members.
4- The Board of Directors evaluates the progress made towards achieving this goal annually.
D. Effectiveness
This policy comes into effect by the date of its approval by the Board of Directors.
Ethical Principles and Policies
Ethical Principles
In accordance with decision number 2192 taken by the Board of Directors dated September 25, 2014, the decision was taken to adopt the TBB Code of Banking Ethics, updated on August 20, 2014, as the "TSKB Code of Ethics" to cover our Board of Directors and all our employees.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
TSKB’s CEO has set out a commitment that the Bank supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact under the headings of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. TSKB reports on developments in Banking practices within the framework of the UN Global Compact Principles with its annual “Communication on Progress” report. The Bank’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy and its commitment to UN Global Compact Principles are as follows:
Remuneration Policy
The main purpose of the Remuneration Policy is to ensure that the Bank’s remuneration practices are in line with the activity scope, strategies, long-term plans and risk management structures and furthermore are carried out and managed in a way which prevents the assumption of extreme risks and by contributing to effective risk management practices.
Compliance Reports
- TSKB Corporate Governance Compliance Report 2022
- TSKB Corporate Governance Compliance Report 2021
- TSKB Corporate Governance Compliance Report 2020