Corporate Governance
At TSKB, corporate governance and full compliance with laws constitutes the source of our strength behind our sustainable economic performance, represents the framework of ethical and honest competition and serves as the main tool for balancing and observing stakeholder interests.
In view of these points, we consider full compliance with the principles of corporate governance and laws as an important cornerstone of conducting banking with a responsible approach.
Compliance with the Principles of Corporate Governance
At TSKB, we aim to ensure full and continuous compliance with the Principles of Corporate Governance as published by the Capital Markets Board (CMB) in Türkiye. We believe that the implementation of these principles is extremely beneficial for the development of national and international capital markets, as well as the interests of the Bank and its stakeholder group.
We prepare the Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Statement within the framework published by the CMB by taking into account international and sectoral principles.
As one of the leading institutions in corporate governance, our Bank maintained its position with one of the highest corporate governance ratings in 2021. On 19 October 2021, as a result of the evaluation performed by Saha Kurumsal Yönetim ve Kredi Derecelendirme Hizmetleri A.Ş., TSKB’s corporate governance rating was revised up to 9.59 out of 10.
Risk Management at TSKB
Risk management is a fundamental tool in the process of transferring capital and other resources to placements which will generate a maximum return for shareholders. TSKB adopts risk management as one of the cornerstones of corporate governance and sustainable success.
The 2008-2009 global economic crisis brought the concept of risk management under the spotlight around the world. The Turkish banking sector has set a global example by demonstrating a successful performance in the face of the financial crisis which started to affect Türkiye in the last quarter of 2008. The structural change which took place at the beginning of the new millennium played a major role in achieving this healthy result.
As TSKB, we attach significant importance to full compliance with laws, transparency, accountability and full compliance with the requirements of the new regulations which have recently been implemented in the field of risk management in our country. In this process, we are actively restructuring and strengthening our risk management functions.
The risk management process at TSKB is aimed at providing continuous and systematic input to the decision-making process of the Bank's management by using modern analysis methods which allow the realization of profitable and sophisticated banking transactions.
Preventing the Laundering of Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism
As in the rest of the world, work is carried out in the fight against money laundering in Türkiye.
The "Law on the Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime" accepted in 2006 and the "Law on the Prevention of the Financing of Terrorism" accepted in 2013 constitute the legal framework of the fight against money laundering in our country. The Financial Crimes Investigation Board is an institution which fights money laundering and the financing of terrorism. In order to prevent money laundering through the banking system in Türkiye, the obligation to prepare a compliance program, excluding investment banks, became mandatory with the regulation published in 2008.
As TSKB, we fully comply with the legislation in force in Türkiye regarding the prevention of laundering the proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism. We fully implement the necessary control, warning and other mechanisms in work processes.
We continue the monitoring and internal control activities carried out on a daily basis with our TSKB Internal Control Center. We supervise the effectiveness and adequacy of the entire Compliance Program and regularly report any deviations found to the Board of Directors. On the other hand, we monitor and report customer transactions carried out at TSKB on a daily, monthly and quarterly basis.