TSKB Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy
This policy sets the principles and responsibilities of Türkiye Sınai Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. (Industrial Development Bank of Turkey - TSKB) in relation to equal opportunities and inclusion practices. The policy covers all TSKB employees and operations at the Head Office and Branches.
Equal opportunities and inclusion constitute an inclusive principle which does not discriminate individuals on the basis of obvious or non-obvious grounds, ensures a fair and unbiased environment in all walks of life, encourages diversity, and is implemented in order to prevent any and all past or future injustice and avert discrimination.
TSKB Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy includes the following main principles and practices.
The Bank:
1. respects human and worker rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and observes compliance with ILO conventions approved by our country;
2. offers equal opportunities and fosters inclusion in all human resource practices, the contents of notices for recruitment, interviews and employee selection process, in measuring and assessing performance, career planning, promotions, training and development programs offered to employees and the remuneration policy by means of fulfilling the requirements of the ILO Equal Remuneration Convention No. 100;
3. provides the employees with opportunities for rotation and promotion within the scope of internal horizontal and vertical career movements in order to foster career development opportunities within the organization; supports development plans to determine future leader staff; offers training opportunities to help advancing technical knowledge, skills and competencies;
4. does not discriminate anyone on the basis of obvious or non-obvious grounds such as gender, religion, sect, race, marital status, political thoughts, disability, social class, philosophical belief, etc. It offers a working environment based on the principles of diversity and inclusiveness;
5. always observes the inclusion of women as decision makers in management roles, as well as gender balance in management;
6. adopts a culture of high performance and supports the professional and personal development of employees through trainings and continuous feedback;
7. runs various training events and social responsibility projects to ensure that each employee embraces the principle of equal opportunities and inclusion; and
8. strives to ensure that the articles in its Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy are adopted and implemented by all affiliates and stakeholders.
9. The Human Resources Department and Bank executives are responsible for following up the implementation of each article in TSKB's Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Policy.
This policy goes into effect as of the date on which it is approved by the Board of Directors.